Aerial and ground surveys for the US Bureau of Reclamation WaterSMART Applied Science Tools grant” The Enhancement of LIDAR and Precipitation & Soils Monitoring in the Aravaipa Watershed” specific to the lower Aravaipa Watershed have been completed. AWCA Slope - this shows the percent change in elevation for the watershed planning, the darker the red, the steeper the terrain in that area. The resolution for all of the LIDAR elevation data we're using here is about 30ft x 30 ft. Eventually, we'll be able to use this data to create a 3D map of the watershed.
This grant will continue the partnerships between AWCA and Bureau of Reclamation (USBR), Arizona Department of Forestry & Fire Management (AZFFMD), Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGF), Arizona State Land Department (AZSLD), Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), US Bureau of Land Management (BLM), US Department of Agriculture (USDA), US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), US Forest Service (USFS), US Geological Survey (USGS), The Nature's Conservancy (TNC).
The following map shows the overlap between the Willcox Groundwater Basin and the AWCA Planning Boundary. The AWCA planning boundary is based on HUC-12 basins with some extensions to keep continuous properties in the planning area. The map also overlays private parcels and wells within the AWCA planning boundary for informational purposes. Although some parcels, wells, and portions of the AWCA planning boundary overlap the Willcox Groundwater Basin in the South and Southeastern portions of the map, the effects of the AMA election results on AWCA activities are expected to be minimal. For more information on the Willcox AMA election, please see the Arizona Department of Water Resources Frequently Asked Questions Website:
The use of historical photography is a moethod to judge vegatation changes.
The current photo does not show too many changes, but will have to be done in the same month to better judge the expansion of scrub oaks in the distance.
Our goal is to use the restoration and conservation of native plants as well as implementation of natural erosion controls to stabilize the Aravaipa watershed. Working as a diverse group of stakeholders we can bring more projects to a greater area that will benefit wildlife, sustainable agriculture, native fish, hiking, recreational opportunities and most of all, more water and better water quality for Arizona.