Our goal is to use the restoration and conservation of native plants as well as implementation of natural erosion controls to stabilize the Aravaipa watershed. Working as a diverse group of stakeholders we can bring more projects to a greater area that will benefit wildlife, sustainable agriculture, native fish, hiking, recreational opportunities and most of all, more water and better water quality for Arizona.
Garland is a native of Arizona who has a true calling for the future of water management in his native state. Garland has a degree in mechanical engineering and a Masters of Science in Water, Society, & Policy. Garland will be working om implementation planning and his goal of doing the most for Arizona waters in the future.
Matt is a fourth generation rancher who moved to Aravaipa in 2014 from Douglas, AZ. He has been recognized for his work in conservation in the past. He and his family are on the Santa Teresa Farm and Ranch.
Russ Harben is a proud husband, father of three daughters and a property owner in the Eureka Springs Ranch area. Russ has served for over 25 years as a leader in state government, private industry and the military, and is passionate about natural resource restoration.
Mark is the manager of the Nature Conservancy's Aravaipa Preserve. The preserve both manages cattle and grows an irrigated field of native grasses for projects in the watershed.
Amanda is a resident of the Aravaipa Canyon and wants to be a part of the future of preserving he area for future generations. She loves to explore this open country and learn and write about the history of the watershed and its people.
Dave Ringwald and his wife Beth own and operates the historic Klondyke Store and Horsehead Lodge in Klondyke, Arizona. Dave is paramount to talking to folks about all things Aravaipa and concerns, safety and events that can be shared with stakeholders. Dave has been involved with many groups and organizations that come through the canyon and the AWCA is always thankful for his ability to share knowledge and history with all.
Megan Harben is a volunteer and advocate for a variety of causes, including children with special needs, disabled veterans, Girl Scouts, and the AWCA. Megan and Russ stay busy raising their daughters to experience and appreciate nature and the outdoors.